Monday – Sept.10 1945


Hello Darling:

Though it is very late, I shouldn’t be able to fall asleep unless I would I write my Hubby’s letter. I have really been busy sewing tonight. Lydia comes in every Monday to keep Mom with the work, then she and John stay for supper. Sis hasn’t been any too well since she’s attempting Motherhood. She’s “10 days late” now and she hopes it isn’t a false alarm. She got a little scared tonight. She gave me the high sign behind Mom’s back that she’d like to tell me something, as I went to the washroom. Lydia followed me soon afterward and told me she got a good scare. There were blood stains on her panties. In many cases that isn’t a good sign, however, I try to give her all the courage to keep believing all is going well. You know, Honey, I feel so close to her- she confides in me about herself. A woman has to talk to someone very close about anything like that. Lydia feels she may have lifted something too heavy in the morning while she was keeping with the wash. I told her to stay off her feet as much as possible for the next few days. That may help to avoid any disappointment. I know a little about this from reading a book on Motherhood. I do hope she is pregnant because that is what they both want. I washed and set Lydia’s hair and then started sewing. I put zipper plachets in two dresses and finished one hem. I have one more hem to make. Zippers are easier to be had now. That’s why I’m putting zippers in some of the dresses which don’t have them. Mom told me that she reminded Dad about writing to you. He said “Ma. I don’t need any reminding about my son-in-law. I’m heading out for a while because I have a feeling he’s on his way home.” We are all waiting for you, Dearest. By now you probably know the land deal of Dad’s in selling the station didn’t go through- Well, this time it’s quite definite. Mr. Bailey, that short salesman of Cities Service, has been coming every day to make the necessary arrangements. Dad is so in need of a rent. He had no pep. He is hoping to go to California to visit Klein’s but he said he’d like to wait until Bell gets home, I guess honey. He’s athinkin’ plenty.

I’m feeling well and everyone else is fine. I had quite a harsh discussion with the boss this morning. I’m just getting sick and tired of all his abuse and rough treatment of his employees. He was quite surprised at my abrupt approach. He said he’s like that because he’s a rich man. I told him I want respect from him. He’s very much on his guard now. He feels far too important to be nice to anyone. Luckily, I’m going to take my week’s vacation next week. It will be good to be away from the old buggard. If I could only hold on until you get home. That’s all. I didn’t ever expect to have to tell him how to behave but he’s been so nasty to all of us here lately. I’ll say good-night for now, Sweet. I love you, Dearest. Please write soon. I only received one letter from you last week. May this find my Honey feeling fine and in high spirits. May the best of luck be with my Honey always- Oh Darling, I miss you so. I think of you so very much.

                                    Your good little girl,

Emily “Kiss”