Private Oliver Bilhorn                                                                            Fred Weber

Co. 5-6-B ks 2601 L.S.S.                                                                    1700 N. Kimball Ave.

Camp McCoy Wisc.                                                                            Chicago, Ill.



Sat. 1/20/43


Hi Ollie,

            I just thought I’d drop you and line and give you the latest dirt. Everybody in the “Neighborhood” is O.K. as far as I know. I guess you just can’t get any of them sick.

            Well our bunch is kind of dwindling away now. Neub.(?) leaves for the Army Air Corps tonight at 5 o’clock. Grimes changed his birth certificate and went down and took the army physical. He expects to leave any day now.

            Well out of the bunch there is only Duck, Roy, Bud, Hansen, Oetg(?), Al, and me left. Boy those Japrots(?) are going to be sorry they started this thing. Well Ollie I haven’t much more to say so I guess I’ll have to sign off now. Please write if you get a chance. Tell me all about yourself. I’ll remember you in prayer.

                                    Your pal & buddy,




Fred Weber