1841 N. Whipple Street

Chicago, Illinois

June 16, 1943


Hello Ollie,

            I am glad to hear you are O.K. I was over to see your mother to get your address. I had lost all of the letters you had sent me. Your mother seems to feel all-right. Yesterday she was working out in the yard. I have been getting kind of lazy, that’s what I haven’t been writing. I deliver the newspaper to you mother everyday

            We are going to move away from our old neighborhood. I will give you my address at the end of the letter. I am moving out to my grandfather’s house in Galena Illinois. I will still write you “don’t worry.” I am moving the 24 of June so don’t write me after the 20 of June.

            Thanks for letting me on the staff but I won’t be able to take the job. When you write to Osha tell him to change my address.

            I have been doing pretty good in school. I’ve got four E and a G+, the G+ is in Geometry. I am feeling O.K. and so is the rest of the family.

                                                            As ever




John Volpert                             MY NEW ADDRESS

341 Gear Street




P.S. Don’t forget to stop writing me here about the 20 and write me out there.