Tuesday, Jan 7th

Dearest Darling Eddie,

            Darling I’m broken-hearted while I’m writing this, please believe me. Here is the story.  I went to London yesterday to the Main office of Cookes for my ticket, I caught the 10:15 and got there about 2 so went by taxi to Cookes, it was thick with snow too, only to be told that all air travel for G.I. Brides ended Jan 4, honest darling I could have dropped, he said he had rung up the Embassy only half an hour before I went and they told him.  I asked if there was anything he could do for me and he said it was impossible.  Anyway darling I asked if it was any use going to the Embassy and he said I could try and they might tell me something definite.  Honest darling when I got outside I shed a few tears I couldn’t help it I was so disappointed and broken-hearted.  I got a taxi and went to the Embassy and it was quite full of brides fetching travel orders and we had to sit down and take our turn.  By the way Audrey went with me for company.  It looked as though we would have been there all night so I enquired what they were there for and one of them told me they had been waiting 14 months and were just getting their travel orders.  They wouldn’t let me see anybody but the secretary and I explained my situation to her and she said there was nothing that could be done, only if I found shipping accommodation as they are still taking them by boat.  Darling we went back to the station and caught the 4:50 train back.  We had had nothing to eat, I couldn’t I was too miserable.  The train got in Notten at 9:15 owing to the show and it was a long horrible ride.  Wow heres what happened today darling I went to Cookes and told Mr. Schooner and he said he was very surprised but would have thought they could have made an exception after everything was comleted, but he said he was very sorry too but would get me over some way.  That made me a bit happier darling, cause he said they had had a cancellation and he would let me know about it, and just leave it to him.  He must have felt very sorry for me, or it was my face looking so miserable.  God darling, it has really taken it out of me just lately worrying, getting excited and then being disappointed and running all over the place.  My darling all we can do is help out chins up and look forward to our happy future together.  It is not our fault we are apart this way, but our love for each other will keep us going till that heavenly day darling we meet again.

Darling always remember no matter how long we are apart I love you heart, soul, and body and you and Derry are my life, but my heart is broken now for the want of you.  The time will soon pass my darling and we will just have to take them as they come.  Maybe when it is least expected it will come a big surprise and we’ll be together again.  I know how you will feel my darling but keep smiling sweetheart.  Remember I’m with you every single minute, and you are forever in my heart.  Derry sends his daddy a great big kiss and we’ll be loving you always.

                        Your devoted true wife & son, Connie & Derry