226 M. Church Street

Mohnton, PA

Dear Pearl,

            I found time at last to write to you because I was busy all evening writing science experiments, which are back one’s, when I was in the hospital.

            I don’t have very much to say but I found a picture for you, that I had taken last year, but I [haven’t] changed much since that time and the present. I also want to say that I am sorry about that horn-blowing. The fellow who was with me forgot about your mother who is ill. I hope she recovers soon because I know what being sick in the summer weather is like. I also hope that your finger is getting better.

            If this letter reaches you before Friday why I’ll say that I might come over to see your High School Exhibition that is if I can find a way, which might not be so easy.

            Well I guess I said about all that I can think of but that you must expense this fancy writing paper. I couldn’t find another so I used this.

            So I will close by wishing the best of “luck” to you and also your mother.


Your friend,


P.S. Write when the time permits you to. I’ll take a picture of you also. That is if you have any you don’t want.