
Lt. Col. Carlton J. Cook

Ord. Sec. , Hg. M.B.S.

A.P.O. 600, P.N. N.Y.C.

Nov. 21, 1943. Letter #


Mrs. Carlton J. Cook

26 Front St

Binghamton, New York



My Darling Jeanette,

            I am feeling fairly well today dear. It has been quite cold here and with the look of heat, I think I may be getting a little more cold. However I shall do my best to take care of it this time. My hand is coming along fairly well. It is healing well and I should have the bandage off in another few days perhaps. I still have to be careful about using it too much yet and of opening it way out.

          I am starting this letter at the office this afternoon and will finish it at the room before going to Brunet’s for dinner. I have just received your letter # 7 of Nov. 9th and will answer that now. I hope that grandma K. is better now and out of the hospital as I presume she is. Was surprised to hear about your raise at Red Cross for next year. How much does that make your weekly salary now? What is the 10% supplementary income mean. I just don’t understand that. I hope it doesn’t take too long to get the parts for my razor. You will have to keep on them periodically. I still use it but have to be careful that the two pieces do not fall out. I guess that is all there to answer there.

            I received a letter of Nov. 18th from dad today too and a package from Foley’s, containing two packages of tea, some coffee, a can of Regimental mixture, some Nabisco sandwiches. I may give away the tea and coffee as I can not use them very well. Don’t mention it though. As a matter of fact don’t mention to anyone anything that I write you that I might give away. ‘Till write you below what else I have received when I get back to the room where the list is.  I wrote you last time a list of the people from which I had received packages. Will you call Foley’s and thank them for me for the package and tell them I appreciate it very much. I’ll write them when I can. They are surely swell people I think.

            Last night I went with Major D. to see “Parachute Batallion”. It was quite good. Did you see it by any chance? Do you recall Major S. (then capt.) whom we met at the port one time? I think you met his. He was in V Corps but did not come across, stayed at the port. He was back at Beauregard also in the Corps, when we were there. Rec’d a letter from Major S. He is in Italy now; same job there as I have here, except assistant. Major D. is no longer with me but in another headquarters. I see him each day though.

            I also received a letter from dad today with the election returns from the SUN; tell his, and Kiplinger letters thru. Oct. 30th.

            Well I am in my room now, so I can tell you about the Christmas packages. From Aunt Pearl & Uncle Will- an assortment of five boxes of Middleton’s tobacco. From Aunt Frieda and Uncle Rexer Box of hard mint candy; 3 bars of lavender soap and four handkerchiefs; a fruit cake and some caramels. From Sons of St. George- some cigars, a few pieces of candy, shaving cream and playing cards. From Dot and Don- Drom. Fruit cake, hard candies, a large TidBit asset, a gold covered New Testament. From Bobby and Susan- bath soap, ash tray (I have it in my office) and guava jelly. From Dad- 2 boxes of Webster’s and an excellent Waterman’s pen and pencil set in gold and blue. Then your folks box and the most important- yours darling with all the assortment of things, the most precious of which is your excellent picture. I have already sampled the maple sugar from Ginger (thank his). I have tried the Nestles Chocolate with water also. Hope to get some canned milk to have with it. The V mail forms are welcome, as we cannot get this type that folds and seals now, only flat sheets. Dad also sent a lb. of tea and lb. of coffee, which I am going to give to Brunet’s at Christmas, same as the flag you sent. All of my love my darling wife. How I miss you dear, each day, I shall never be able to tell you!

