Philippine Islands

April 11, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my darling little wife. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dearest. Well angel, no sweet letters so far today but I am sure hoping some comes in before the day is over. Gee darling your wonderful letters mean so awful, awful darn much to me and they are so sweet. They make me so awful, awful happy dearest and make me feel so wonderful all over. Gosh Honey I feel so happy when I get your precious letters, just gives me the grandest feeling dearest. I sure hope you are getting my mail all right now dearest. You sure wasn’t getting it a bit good in my latest letters. You are so darn sweet darling and I love you so awful, awful darn much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now dearest. Well Honey it is another nice day here sure is hot though. It gets so darn hot some times a person just wonders if he can take it or not. It sure is awful some times. Sure hope you are having some nice weather now dearest. Honey when we get our little home we are going to get our basement fixed up so we can have some of our meals and spend some of our time in there when it is so awful hot. It sure is a lot cooler in there. Gosh Honey we will have everything so awful cozy and we will be so happy. 

            Well darling tomorrow is our thirty first anniversary, just five months being three years Honey. It has been so awful hard on us being separated practically all of our married life but dearest each day had been a happy one to us in knowing that we did really belong to each other and that as soon as we get back in each others arms we will be able to spend every minute together from the first one on. We are both so thankful to God for giving us our chance to become man and wife and our dream of six years really came true. We really knew that our love for each other was real love after our first date Honey and we didn’t have to have many dates to know that we were really meant for each other. Honey remember when we first started going together and our stopping place was there by Lindberg school and down on the bottom road when they were working on it and there wasn’t any traffic on it. Our place out by Ragans will always be in our memories dear and I’ll bet we go back there every once in a while for old times sake. Will you let me do just like I used to darling. Gee darling we will have so darn much fun and enjoy ourselves so darn much when this is all over and we can really start our life together. We are sure going to start making up for some of this lost time on our furlough dear and all my time in the states which I hope I never have to leave when I get back there. It will be just like getting married all over again when we get back together now darling. It will be more wonderful than we can imagine darling, being right together every minute out of every twenty four hours and not having to leave each other ever day or so. I am hoping so much we will be able to spend our third anniversary together dear but if we don’t we won’t have much time to wait before we will be in each others arms. Gosh isn’t it wonderful to know that we have all this time behind us and not ahead of us and that our happy day is in the near future. I know God hears our prayers and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible now. Gosh Honey we will be so awful, awful darn happy and everything will be so darn wonderful. We are sure going to celebrate when we get in each others arms dearest and what I mean we will sure deserve everything we can do to enjoy ourselves to.

            Well Honey you was telling me you get you five ever blooming rose bushes the other day. Sure hope you have good luck with them now darling. You always did have good luck with roses it seemed dear. You sure did have some beautiful ones there at the other place. Sure hope you get the evergreen trees now dearest cause they sure do make a place look nice. Gosh Honey won’t it be wonderful when we have our little home and can fix it up the way we want it. We are sure going to have a beautiful little home and can fix it up the way we want it. We are sure going to have a beautiful yard to honey. It will probably take us two or three years to get our shrubs and all started but it will really be pretty when we get it all fixed up. We would sure have a good start on our home and all by now if it hadn’t been for this darn war. We have saved a lot though during all this dearest and will sure have a good start when this thing is all over.

            Honey you wrote me that you would have plenty of room to bring anything I thought of to our room. Well darling those two articles are the only extra things I can think of now, you know darling the bubble bath and the other. Sure honey you won’t have to bring many clothes cause when we leave our room you can go out home and get anything you need darling. We can catch the bus out home and get the car and go over dear and we can go out there on the bus and then come back to town and out home or any way we want to do it. Honey when you get a list made of all the things you are going to bring you can send it to me and I can see then if there is anything else I think you or I will need darling. Darling are you going to bring both your robe sets or just the one. You be sure and mention any little thing you happen to think of now dear that you think we might need or might want and I will do the same now darling. Gosh darling we have everything planned so perfectly and we are sure going to live in luxury to dear cause we have done without everything all this time and we are sure going to make up for a little of it on our furlough. Honey you was saying that Pete came in to Jefferson barracks. If I happen to come in there instead of Leavenworth I will call you from there and we will got through our plans just like we had planned dearest. It is just a short run from St. Louis to K.C. [Kansas City] and I would probably be sent by the railroad and get off at Union station and then come right on up to our room. It seems like a lot of guys are coming from Frisco to their induction center by troop train to so that is probably the reason some of them don’t go to the station where they were inducted. It will be one of the two for me though and I am almost sure it will be Leavenworth, sure hope so anyway cause it is so much closer for me.

            Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful darn much and you know I always will dolly. You are so darn sweet and so precious in every way dearest. Gee darling you are such a wonderful little wife, so pretty and so perfect in every way and all mine. My darling little blonde, aren’t you dearest. Honey I am sure going to help you with my beautiful hair and finger nails and all that when I get home to. I’ll betcha I tickle those precious little feet too, yes I am now dear. Please take wonderful care of my precious parts dearest, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so darn much. Yours are fine dolly, miss you so awful darn much. You are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world dearest and I love you so awful darn much and you know I always will dearest.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now dearest. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dolly. Please be awful, awful careful now darling and take wonderful care of my sweet little wife. Remember now dolly, chin up and always happy. Tell all hello sweetheart.

            Love and more love to my sweet adorable little angel.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so awful darn much.