Philippine Islands

April 20, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my darling little wife. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dearest. Well dolly no sweet letters so far today but I am sure hoping some comes in before the day is over. Gosh Honey your precious letters mean so awful darn much to me and they are so darn sweet. They make me so awful, awful happy dearest and make me feel so wonderful all over. It gives me the grandest feeling all over when I can get your precious letters dolly. Sure hope you are getting my mail all right now dolly. Gosh Honey won’t it be wonderful when we are back in each others arms and won’t have to write letters any more. You are so darn sweet dearest and I love you so awful darn much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now dearest. Well Honey it is a nice day here but plenty hot. It sure has been hot here this past month. When we first got here there was almost always a good breeze blowing but that don’t blow much any more. Sure hope you are having some nice weather now dearest. Well Honey I am feeling a lot better today. My nose has stopped almost and I don’t cough any to amount to anything now and just feel better in every way. Boy I sure am glad too because I sure felt bad there for a few days.

            Honey you was telling me in one of your letters that you had just finished watering your plants and the different kinds you had. You sure have a nice lot of them dear and I’ll bet they are sure pretty. I sure do like house plants dear and sure think they make a home look nice. We are going to have lots of plants when we get out home dear and we can set them out in the flower beds the summer and the put them back in to pots for the winter. Won’t it be swell to fix everything up just like we want it dear.

            Honey you telling me that Virginia was telling you that Warner Brune was home and his wife and him had broke up. It sure is awful the way some people are living now days. Seems like they don’t get married to live together and have a home. I have read several pieces in the papers and magazines along that line dear and it sure is awful the amount of it that is going on. I sure don’t care if I ever talk to Lillian either Honey cause any girl that would do a man like that is no good. She has had two good men now and done both of them the same way. Gee darling we love each other so awful darn much and like you said dear, no one ever does or ever will enter our mind. Our thoughts are of each other all the time dear and we don’t have time to think about anyone else and that’s the way all happy couples are dearest. That was sure something about that girl you ride with now wanting to have her tooth pulled on Saturday cause if she did she couldn’t go out that nite. She sure must be true to her husband, I can sure imagine. If he is stationed there in California it looks like they would be together. When people are like that dear they will never be satisfied and be able to live a happy life. It is awful hard on us dear but we’ll make up for all this when we get in each others arms dear and we will be so awful darn happy. Gosh Honey it will be so awful wonderful when we get in each others arms and can really show the whole world how much we really love each other. Our happiness is in each other dear and it won’t ever be complete until we are in each others arms and then our happiness will be unequalled by anything dear. We have our meeting and all planned so perfect and darling we are really going to celebrate when our day comes to. Gosh Honey you are such a wonderful little wife and I love you so awful, awful much dearest. I certainly do remember when we would lay in each others arms and talk and tell each other how much we love each other dear. Honey I know that there isn’t or never will be a happier married couple than us. We were really meant for each other dearest and we are both so thankful to God for giving us each other. I know he hears our prayers now to dear and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible now. We will be so happy dear and everything will be so awful heavenly.

            Honey on the back of one of my last letters there was a little spot of my darling’s nail polish. Gee but it was pretty dear and I sure wish I could have been there helping you put it on dearest. You will let me help you when I get home won’t you darling. I am going to help you do everything dearest. Honey you was saying your tummy was hurting to. Sure hope it wasn’t to bad this time dear. I’ll say I am going to help you with that dearest. I used to sometimes didn’t I dear, but now I can all the time can’t I honey. I might want to do something else darling while we are doing that, do you think you would be interested, I’ll betcha will Honey. Gosh Honey we will have so much fun doing everything together and it will all be so heavenly. We are going to have such a good time on our furlough dear and boy Honey we will just close our selves off from the outside world while we are in our room. It will be more wonderful than we can even imagine dear.

            Darling you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful darn much and you know I always will dearest. You are so precious and so wonderful in every way dolly. Gee darling we are so happily married and love each other more every day. Won’t it be heavenly darling when we can hold each other so tight and kiss each other just one time right after another. Honey you are so darn pretty all over and gosh Honey all mine, my sweet little blonde aren’t you dearest. Please take wonderful care of my precious parts dearest, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so darn much dearest. Yours are fine dolly miss you so awful darn much but they will be together very soon dearest. I am going to kiss to dearest, yes sir honey. Dolly you are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world and I love you so awful, awful darn much and you know I always will dolly.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dolly. Please be awful, awful careful now dearest and take wonderful care of my sweet little wife. Remember now dolly, chin up and always happy. Tell all hello dearest.

            Love and more love to my sweet adorable little angel.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so much.