6 July 45



Dear Tom,


            Well boy, I’ve been here on the isle end of Tinian for about two weeks now. It’s across from Saipan, and I guess as islands go it’s not too bad. Before I left the states I heard how long you had been over, I think it was in the Kansan. After being here and seeing it my heart really out to you and what you have been through.

            Our trip over wasn’t so bad, as we flew over. Our first stop was in the Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands. Next stop was Kwajalein in the Marshalls. [Next] to Guam and then here.

            I heard before I left the states that Fred Faust is on or about ready to go home. The last time he wrote he said Kenneth Gregory was a crew chief on c. 47 on some neighboring field. Herb Rush is home and discharged and I think Eugene Winners is ready for a discharge. Winner was a prisoner of war for a couple of months before being liberated. His plane was hit by flack on a mission and he had to bail out.

            I suppose you find the same diversions as I do shows and poker games. I sure will be glad to get back to the good ‘ole U.S. I sure miss my wife and the good ‘ole house life we had in Shreveport.  What say we get together when this thing is over and go on a good bend, I am ready to pop.

            My wife was with me at staging and then she went to my house. Staging area was in Nebraska. From K.C. she is going home in North Carolina and then to work in Newport News, VA. She has a brother there and is going to live with him.

            Well fella, drop me a line.


Your pal,

