
July 7, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my darling little wife. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dearest. Gee darling I received the sweetest letter from you yesterday evening and I was so darn thrilled to get it darling. It was so sweet and precious dear just like all your wonderful letters are. I also received one from the folks dear. They were both the twenty seventh of June so that was pretty good dear. Gee darling your precious letters mean the world and all to me and they are so darn sweet. They make me so awful, awful happy dearest and make me feel so wonderful. Honey you had been getting my mail pretty good in this last letter to and I sure hope you are getting it good now dear. It seems like you get it all at one time though and then wait for several days before you hear from me again. Sure wish you would get it more regular dear. We have sure had good service here and I sure hope it continues. Honey won’t it be heavenly when we are in each others arms and won’t have to write letters any more. Darling you are so sweet and I love you so awful darn much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now dearest. Well Honey it is a pretty nice day in Manila, sun is shining bright and a good breeze coming in. I sure would like for you to see this place sometime dear. It is really an ideal climate here, although it does get awful hot during the day sometimes and then the rainy season but I sure do like the climate. Maybe someday we will be able to visit here dear. I know you would really like the climate here dear and all the nice homes are more or less on the Spanish type and they are built with so many windows and porches. I will tell you all about everything when I get back in your precious arms dear. I’ll bet there will be a lot of good money made here after the war to cause so much of the city has to be built back and everything is run down a lot. Well darling I work tonite and then I go on day shift. Sure glad to get back on days again.

            Honey you was telling me in one of your letters about showing all your things to one of your Aunts and she sure did like that coin bracelet. I got that letter in one of those big bunches I got dear and I misplaced it somewhere and I never have found it and I just got to thinking about this the other day and remember you asking me something about it. Yes darling I have enough coins here all stamped out the holes bored and all, with the exception of the links so I will send them to you in a package when I get a few things together and then she can have it finished. She might have to have just straight links made cause I don’t think I have enough coins to make the links like the ones in yours dear. I would finish it myself dear but gosh I just don’t have time to do anything working hours like we are now. Honey if you want me to send the coins right away you write me and tell me and I will put them in a little box and send them right on to you.

            Boy Honey I’ll bet you sure was surprised to see that Virginia Brune was getting a divorce. Isn’t that something dear. Gosh Honey like you said, that big wedding and all and now getting a divorce after about two months. Boy Honey it sure doesn’t seem like people get married to live together, I sure can’t understand it. If their love was real love dear they wouldn’t have trouble like that. Just wait till we get together dear, we will show the whole world how a really happily married couple gets along and we will sure show everyone how strong our love for each other is to dear, Honey I know that there isn’t now or never will be a happier married couple than us. Our love is true love darling and straight from the heart. Gee darling I am so darn lonesome for you and want to see you so darn bad. Day after tomorrow it will be thirty months since I last set eyes on the good old U.S. dear and it is going on thirty four months now since we parted dear, gee what an awful long time that is Honey. Surely something will come up before so very long dear so we can be in each others arms once again. I know God hears our prayers dearest and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible now. Honey dear please keep that precious little chin up and dearest you know I will to and Honey I know everything will turn out swell for us.

            Gee dolly I sure hope this finds you feeling wonderful and everything going along all right in every way now at home. Please take it easy sug and don’t work to hard now, my little Honey has just got to stay well. I wish so much I was home so I could take wonderful care of you dearest and be right there to do anything you wanted me to.

            Honey you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful darn much and you know I always will dear. Gee darling you are such a perfect little wife and so awful pretty and gee all mine dear. Darling when I get you in my arms I’ll never let go, no sir dear I’ll hold you so awful, awful tight and kiss you so often. Honey dear please take wonderful care of my precious parts, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so awful darn much. Yours are fine dearest, miss you so darn much Honey but they will be together before long dearest. Honey you are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world and I love you so darn much and you know I always will dolly.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dearest. Please be awful, awful careful now dearest and take wonderful care of my sweet little wife. Remember now dolly, chin up and always happy. Tell all hello dear.

            Love and more love to my sweet adorable little angel.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so awful much.