August 8, 1945

            Dear Thomas well here I am again and we are both fine and sure do hope you all right. Well the old Russian family did come in but it took them a long time to make up their mind. Well I sure do hope it don’t take much longer now. Well I talked to Naomi this morning and she was all right to. Well we did not get any mail today but no one did in this neighborhood for dad oiled the road and they would not let anyone go over the road with a car. Some of them got awful mad but you know how some people are. They holler if you don’t do some things and then if you do it they holler, Well the weather sure has been cool for the last two days. I wish it would stay cool but I know it won’t. Well not much news but just so you get a letter to. Now we all right. I sure don’t think this will last much longer now and I sure hope it don’t. Well everything is going along fine on both of our sides now and if you all right we are all fine then which I hope you all right. Well I close for tonite so answer soon as possible and let us know what you think of the war now mother and dad.