August 12, 1945

            Dear Thomas well here I am again and we are all still waiting to here about the peace. I sure do hope it come in pretty soon and I bet you boys are all waiting to [long] for it to come in. I don’t see how you can hardly work for I know every one is sure anxious to hear it but when it does come and they let you come home. Be sure and get all the papers you are supposed to have for you know what would of happened to Aunt Gin if I had not of had some of those old letters that and Laurie had wrote me she would not of got anything so be sure and get everything you need.

            Yes Thomas I get Naomi the flowers and I get her something to and something for her birthday to. You know I do it for you only to glad to do anything for you or her.

            Well don’t you know your wife was here. She came for a while. She drove her dad car and she is fine only just so anxious to hear the news that the war is over. We all so anxious. Well I don’t think it be long now. Well be careful and don’t get hurt in any way they say that some of them are getting so excited that they don’t know what they are doing and then they have accident. Well I close for tonite so be careful and don’t get hurt in any way. Well I close for tonite so answer as soon as possible mother and dad.