
August 30, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my darling little wife. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dolly. Gee darling I received the sweetest letter from you yesterday evening and I was so thrilled to get it dearest. It was August the eighteenth dear so that was pretty good time. I received two from the folks today but none from my little dolly but I am sure hoping tomorrow brings me some sweet letters dear. Gee darling your precious letters mean the world and all to me and they are so darn sweet. They make me so awful, awful happy dear and make me feel so wonderful all over. Gee darling it just gives me the grandest feeling all over when I can get your precious letters. Honey dear don’t you worry now when you don’t hear from me for quite a while sometimes. You know I will always write you as often and as much as possible now dear. Honey won’t it be wonderful when we are back in each others arms and won’t have to write letters any more. You are so darn sweet dolly and I love you so darn much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now dearest. Well Honey it has been a pretty nice day here, plenty hot though. I sure did perspire today ad it sure is hot work when you are working on machinery. You was really having some hot weather in your latest letter dear and I sure hope it has cooled off some by now. Gosh Honey we could be having so darn much fun if we was together now and everything would be so wonderful.

            Honey dear I received another swell package from you yesterday and I was sure glad to get it. It was sent the last part of July dear so it sure did come in quick. It had that swell box of different kinds of pecan candy in it dear and boy is that ever good. My tent buddies sure did like it to dear and all the boys that had a piece of it. I believe that it came in about as good shape as any candy I ever got in a package to dear. It was just like it had just been bought out of the store. Then there was a swell bottle of hair oil dear and a can of tooth powder, bar of soap, shaving cream and some stationary. It sure was a nice box dear and I am so glad I got it. Honey you are so darn wonderful to me and always doing everything in your power for me. I sure hope it isn’t long now dear before we are back in each others arms and can get each other things like we really want to. It has been so darn long since I have been able to get you anything at all dear but I sure will try and make up for lost time as soon as I get into your precious arms dolly.

            Well darling I sure am anxious to see what the next critical score is and find out for sure about the recount. It seems to be pretty straight that they are going to make a recount right after V.J. [Victory after Japan] Day and then lower the points to eighty five or I mean to eighty. If they do that and we get credit for this campaign which we are supposed to, I should have eighty now. I sure am anxious to really see what it is going to be and I sure hope I come out on top for once. If they do that I sure ought to be home within the next four or five months at least. Gee darling I am hoping and praying so much that we will be on top this time. Gosh Honey isn’t it wonderful to think about all the happiness we have ahead of us and about how wonderful everything will really be. I am sure glad that we have started to occupy Japan now and that everything on the people or something like that. Gosh Honey every day now is so awful much closer to our day and I just think about it all the time darling and about how heavenly it will all be. Gosh Honey we have everything planned so perfect and it will all be so wonderful. Honey I am sure glad you have both of our robe sets for our room cause now you don’t have to worry about getting that. Honey dear you can use your other sets when we go on our honeymoon.

            Sure hope this finds you feeling swell dear and everything going along all right in every way at home now. Please take it easy now dear and be awful, awful careful. Sure hope you don’t have to much work now dear. Honey have they ever said anything more about that darn girl or done anything about her. I guess she knows what was going on anyway.

            Honey you was saying that you got a card saying your check had been returned and for you to fill in your new address on the card and send it back. I am sure glad you heard something from it dear cause I sure couldn’t understand what was wrong. I kind of figured that’s what it was though. You ought to get two about the same time now.

            Darling you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful darn much and you know I always will dolly. Gee darling we are so happily married and love each other more every day. Gosh Honey I just think all the time about how wonderful it will be when we are back in each others arms and can hold each other so tight and kiss each other so often. Darling I’ll never let you out of my sight, no sir dear not for one minute. Where ever you go dear I will be right there with you. Honey I know god hears our prayers and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible now. Please take wonderful care of my precious parts dearest, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so darn much. Yours are fine dear, miss you so darn much but they will be back together before long now. Honey dear you are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world and I love you so darn much and you know I always will dear.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now dearest. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dolly. Please be awful, awful careful now dearest and take wonderful care of my sweet little wife now. Remember now dear, chin up and always happy. Tell all hello dear.

            Love and more love to my sweet adorable little angel.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife.