
October 17, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my darling little wife. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dearest. Gee darling I received the sweetest letter from you yesterday evening and was so thrilled to get it dolly. I also got one from the folks and one from Mae and Peg and a card from Beckies. The latest one was the sixth of October so that was pretty good time. Gosh Honey your precious letters mean the world and all to me and they are so darn sweet. They make me so awful, awful happy dearest and make me feel so wonderful all over. Gosh Honey it just gives me the grandest feeling all over when I can get your precious letters. I was sure happy to hear that you had been getting my mail good that one week dear and sure hope it is coming in good now. Honey you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful darn much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now dearest. Well Honey it is a pretty nice day here, plenty hot though. Sure hope you are having some nice weather now dearest. I’ll bet it is plenty cool there now and it won’t be long until it will be darn cold I’ll bet. Won’t it be heavenly when we can snuggle up in each others arms and be so cozy dear.

            Well Honey nothing new as yet, just sweating out time and how slow it goes. I get so nervous some times I don’t know what to do. I can’t sit still for five minutes. We will surely know something more definite by the first of the month or by the middle of the month anyway. Gee but I am hoping I get there by Christmas dear. It seems as though they are giving some of the guys a furlough now when they first get back and then they go back after their furlough and are discharged. I guess there is so many men coming through that they just can’t take care of them. I wouldn’t care so much if they did give me a furlough first cause that would just be that much I would be making while I was home and then I imagine I would get home a lot quicker that way. Either way will be alright, just so I get in my darlings arms real quick.

            Well Honey Peg said in her letter yesterday that Herb called out to their house and wanted to know if I was home yet and wanted to give me a job. He wanted Mae to come to work for them to. He told her they were going to enlarge their shop to so they must be figuring on plenty of business. He is one of the owners of that Midwest Cabinet Company on Independence Avenue. I am going down and see Steve and them the second week I am home and see what the deal is on everything. Anyway it sounds like there is going to be plenty of work. There should be because they haven’t been able to get lumber or anything since the war started. I don’t know where they will want to start me in cause I had just worked about three months on the fourth year of my apprenticeship.

            Honey you was asking me if I would want you to write to some one in Washington about our outfit. Well we have the promise now dear so maybe we will make it before long. There was a lot of the guys folks that wrote to their Congressmen and everyone else they could think of about this outfit so I don’t know whether it had anything to do with us or not. We was to everyone here in Manila and I really think it did some good to. Everyone was sure getting up in the air and I think there was so much stirred up that the officers saw what they had confronting them and they started the other way to. Boy there is sure a lot of things that I am sure going to tell some one off if they start on them with me and I think most of it will be about officers to. There is a lot of things that most people will never believe about things that go on in the service. It will take me years to tell you all about everything dearest.

            Sure hope this finds you feeling swell dearest and everything going along all right in every way at home now. Sure hope you don’t have to much work now dearest. Please take it easy now darling and don’t work to hard now.

            Honey in one of your last letters you sent me a piece out of the paper about the first new Chevrolet rolling off the assembly line there at home. Boy Honey I sure hope we can get us a new one soon after I am home. I wouldn’t want one of these first ones but I think they will be all right in three or four months. We are going to get us a five passenger coupe, just like we want to dear and really have it fixed up nice Honey. That will be the first big thing of our own that we will get and we are sure going to take plenty of pride in it dear and have everything on it just like we want it.

            Darling you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful darn much and you know I always will dolly. Gee darling we are so happily married and love each other more every day. Honey when I get you in my arms I am going to hold you so awful, awful tight and kiss you so often, just one kiss right after another dear. Honey I know God hears our prayers and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible now. Please take wonderful care of my precious parts dearest, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so much dolly. Yours are fine Honey, miss you so awful darn much, but it won’t be long till they will be together dearest and so hard and wet and hot right dear. Honey you are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world and I love you so awful, awful darn much and you know I always will dolly.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now dolly. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dolly. Please be awful, awful careful now dolly and take wonderful care of my sweet little wife. Remember now dolly, chin up and always happy. Tell all hello dear.

            Love and more love to my sweet adorable little angel.

            Loads and lads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so much.