April 21, 1944
Friday Night

My Darling;

            Thank heaven the weekend is here - - I’m getting so that I just live for my weekends. We had a midterm in Nursing 419 and it was pretty bad; after class when the seven members were discussing relative phases of it, we found out that each of us had given different answers to the questions asked; now someone has to be wrong and no doubt I’ll be on the wrong side.

            The rainy season is still going strong. One nice thought is that once the rains are over they’re really over until the late fall! I’m sure you will want to spend all the rest of your life here once you try. You don’t seem too enthused over the climate, but I feel that’s because you haven’t been here long enough.

            Amelia and I are going to a show: “Lady in the Dark” which is supposed to be excellent; I’ve read a review of it in Coronet magazine. Will tell you more about it tomorrow.

I love you more every day,
Berna Lou