April 27, 1944

My dearest sweetheart,

                Haven’t accomplished very much today—messed around too much for my own good.  Amelia came over and worked on her project while I typed some notes.  Say, speaking of projects, reminds me that I have read the most wonderful and interesting book written by a socialist, “If you Don’t Weaken”, autobiography by Oscar Amerigger.  I surely want you to read this.  Shall I try to send you a copy?  Really, it’s clever.  I guess I’m especially taken up with it since I’m reading all about the socialist ideals, etc, and the references made in this book are familiar—for example—an explanation of the famous Haymarkes trial in Chicago.  Have you ever heard of it?  Please let me send you this book!  You’ll get some real laughs I’m sure.

                Amelia and I are leaving for Modesto at two tomorrow afternoon.  Modesto is about 100 miles from here, I guess.  Wish you were going along, darling.

                                                                                                                Love and a big hug,

                                                                                                                Berna Lou