April 28, 1944

My darling,

                Another weekend is almost here and soon the ninth week will be starting.  Isn’t that hard to imagine?  In two months from today, I should be a B.S., assuming that all goes well.

You have already told me how proud you will be when I finish and I believe you.  That’s one thing marriage does to one--- gives one uncompromising faith and belief that absolutely everything the other person says or does is exactly right!

                By the way, isn’t your diploma back in Anderson?  And where are your keys for the fraternity?  Do you have them with you?  Whenever I get back to Anderson on a visit, I shall certainly have a wonderful time going through all of my drawers and your drawers too!  Am looking forward to the event.  There are lots of things that I could use here if I had them; sort of hate to ask mother to bring anything out when she comes because transportation will be difficult for them.

                Well, in just a few moments I must go to class and then after lunch we are going for our bus ride.  Bye.


                                                                                                                                Berna Lou