Tuesday Morning
May 2nd, 1944

My Dearest Ken;

Didn’t receive any letters from you today and there’s really not a lot to tell you. Dorris’ son, Gene, visited here and left from Mill’s Field, San Francisco, and will fly to San Diego. Gene slept in his mother’s bed and she slept with me until Friday when I went to Modesto with Amelia—then they had the place to themselves. He’s a swell kid and from what I understand his marriage isn’t working out too well—he not only married a wife but a mother-in-law, who seems to interfere all the time and in every decision that’s to be made, Mary isn’t really weaned yet, and since she’s so young it may take a long time! I feel sure that we shall never permit such prolonged interference with our marriage, will we? Why can’t parents see how they wreck young people’s lives? I’ll bet the greater portion of divorces have been perpetrated by “in-laws,” don’t you?

Well I must get busy and study or else I won’t be a “heap big B.S,” by June! Heard this on the stage at Fox-Oakland—A guy said that his wife had just given birth to 9th child—didn’t want any more—what should he do with it? The other guy said he’d have to think about the question. After a while he said he knew what to do—“Drink orange juice.” First guy –“Before or after?” The second guy -- “Instead!”  Sort of corny, huh??

                                                                        Now write when you can—I love you—Berna Lou