May 31, 1944

Wednesday Night


My Dearest Ken;

            Has it ever been raining today! Here it is the first of June almost and it’s still raining. Surely this won’t happen again. Last year the final rain was on Memorial Day – I remember because I had my first final that evening.

            Haven’t heard anything from Mother and Dad but surely will soon. They are supposed to let me know when they are arriving and for how long. It really doesn’t seem possible that they are coming out here. It has been so long since I’ve seen them that we will have to spend quite a while just getting acquainted with each other, exactly as you and I will do one of these days which I hope isn’t far away. Think of all the things we have to talk about. After we once get caught up with the happenings of the interim, let’s never mention them anymore – I mean specifically, the long period of our separation. We must enjoy the rest of our lives just being together and in love.

            Well I must quit daydreaming and start studying or I won’t be keeping the bargain I made with myself, will I? There are times when I can hardly wait until we start living together again, and then I stop to think that this separation is even more difficult on you since you aren’t around your old friends. Bye and lots of love. Hope to get some letters soon.


                                                                                    Berna Lou