Saturday Night
                                                                                                                        July 1st, 1944

My dearest Ken,

Our vacation in Los Angeles has almost ended. Tomorrow the bus leaves at 12 noon. Tomorrow the bus leaves at 12 noon for Bakersfield and then by Santa Fe chain car to Oakland. I don’t imagine we’ll get back until around midnight.

We’ve had so much fun down here. Right now the folks are playing bridge – Dad and Cecil vs. Mother and Dale. The former have been winning all the games! As soon as this one game is over, we’re going to have dessert of Lemonade ice cream and rum cake. Wish you were here with us, Darling.

Bright and early Monday morning, I must go over to San Francisco. Hope we’re dismissed early because haven’t registered for field work yet! Am quite anxious to see how big a fee I’m in for- as yet. I’ve heard nothing from the lawyer- suppose nothing will come of it. But, should I get a refund, it would amount to over $400 – which is a lot of money for yours truly.

Lots of Love Berna Lou