Thursday Night
                                                                                                                        July 6th, 1944

Dearest Ken;

Mother and Daddy met me over in San Francisco during my lunch hour, and after we ate we took a walk back to 101 Grove and from there on we parted—the train was supposed to leave from the Ferry Building at four so by now the folks are on their way back home. Time certainly went fast when they were here.

Contrary to what I had thought, Dad is the one who is persuading me to come home next fall to live, not my Mother. She understands how much I like it out here and how happy I’m getting over being just a few hundred miles nearer to you. As I have told you before, Dad feels that I have been very foolish to live out here where it costs more than if I lived at home, and this going to has been a stupid idea, because people who go to college lose their initiative, their ability to get along with common people, and ultimately their perspective in life. Furthermore, if I come home, I can have any type of a city job I want, through family affiliation and through his interceding. On the other hand, I tried to explain what I felt I wanted to do, but didn’t get very far so I gave up and said nothing for fear of hurting my Mother. In view of the fact that Anderson didn’t even employ Public Health Nurses and the Health Officer himself is only part-time (Dr. Conrad), I’m sure that I’d get no training in generalized work of the type I wish. To be cont’d.

                                                                                                            I love you more, Berna Lou