Friday Night


Dearest Sweetheart;


            Had quite an interesting day - - made a spot map of all the health centers of the city today, and also went out to the Alemany health center this afternoon. That’s out on the way to Daly City. While there out field supervisor demonstrated the infant bath and making a formula.

            I was going to tell you more about Dad’s wanting me to come home. I guess I didn’t act too enthusiastic over the idea, I don’t know. He feels that I should grab all the money I could, because when this is over there won’t be any more. He forgets that salaries are greater out here than at home, and that my living tastes are simple, and that furthermore I wouldn’t think of living with them or Mamo or anyone without paying for it! You can probably read between the lines to see that I’m not only hurt but disappointed and wondering just what I should do after I get out next fall. Peculiarly enough, no one has asked me what I want to do or plan to do. It seems to be taken for granted that next fall I shall come home, jump right in and do private duty at St. John’s 12 hours. 7 days a week, even though I loathe that type of work, I LOATHE that hospital, and I would get nowhere. If I work here, I shall obtain excellent experience under excellent supervision, and it will mean something to have worked for the San Francisco Department of Health if they’ll have me after my field work! Although I hope I shall never have to work years hence when I have a family, I plan to be prepared to do it. If I must work for you go to school when you return, then I shall be glad to do that, too; confidentially, that’s why I want the very best of experience. Daring, do you understand why I went to school and went through all I did?


I love you so much,

Berna Lou