Dearest Sweetheart,

            Just a few lines to let you hear from me I am OK. And I am sure glad to hear that you and Bunnies is alright. Hun we had a little rain last night and it has cooled off a lot and boy I sure am glad of it. Yes hun I am still on nights but I think I will go back on days next week because it is getting tough as hell at nights now. No hun I haven’t been to town since I have been back. I haven’t even had a day off and I haven’t been to the club and I’m not going anymore without you sweetheart hun. I sure do want another little girl don’t you hun tell Bunnie I love him and for him to be a good boy. Well darling I don’t know of any news so I will close for this time to the sweetest wife in the world from your husband.                                                                                           Nat