Tues. Aug. 21st

My dear Fran:-

            Well I should start in by giving you hell but I’m probably just as bad so I won’t say to much. I haven’t received any mail today or yesterday so let’s get on the move and catch up. I did get notice today that there’s a package at the Post Office for me but as I was a table waiter today it was closed when I got there so I hope I can make it tomorrow as I’m very anxious to see just what my honey sent me. Tomorrow I’m barracks orderly so I should have a little time to myself. I can just about imagine whats in the package because I know what I asked for but maybe you surprised me and put something else in it, I hope. I am again writing in the Telephone Exchange while Bob calls his wife. I’d like very much to talk to my honey but its rather expensive to call if you’re not sure whether your home and I’d have to reverse the charges so that’s expensive also. One of the fellows made a call to his wife the other night in Phila - and he told the operator to notify him when his 3 minutes were up but she failed to do so, when he completed his call it cost him exactly $7.35 so that’s kind of expensive to tell your wife how much you love her. Before I forget Bob said I should tell you he still loves you and when you get in the Town Tavern take a drink of whisky for both of us as its very hard to get whiskey around this place. Today wasn’t so hard we started off with exercise then had rifle practise (dry fire). In the afternoon we had more dry fire rifle practise so it wasn’t bad at all today. I don’t know whats on the schedule for tomorrow but it doesn’t make any difference to me anyway as I’m barracks orderly. His duties are primarily to guard the barracks while the Platoon is out. This finishes up my details for another month so its good to have all this off your mind. That $5.00 you sent me is just about gone but I’m not asking for more, I can probably wait until payday which happens to be about a week and a half off if necessary I can borrow. I had a letter from Milt today that was all the mail I received. I can’t be with you like I’d like to be so keep those letters rolling so that I know you still love me and think of me. Boy everytime I see one of those fellows with his wife or girl friend I get envious because I only wish you could be here with me but I do hate to see you quit your job just for a couple of months. Tomorrow night I take my first test for O.C.S. I don’t know whether I’m making a mistake or not but I’ll try it and see how I make out. Well I haven’t any more news so I’ll close and send you all my love. I love you more than anything in this world and always will so be good and wait for me.

                                                                        With all my love,

                                                                            Your honey.