Monday morning

Sept. 3rd

Dear Fran: -

            Well since its a holiday you are laying around doing nothing the same as us fellows. This is really too much as we aren't used to it. Sat. afternoon, Sunday, Monday, and we even have Tuesday off with the exception of a parade. Bob, Norm and myself where in Macon all day Sunday walking the streets. We bought a pint which cost us $5.25 but those people know us soldiers have no regards for money. We were damn glad we were in Macon because when we got back they were having quite a time. I think 9 out of every 10 was drunk and they were starting fights and razing lots of cane. One fellow in our barracks got so damn drunk he fell down the steps and broke his thumb. A couple of fellows missed bed check Sat. night and were marked A.W.O.L. another fellow was picked up by the M.P.'s so I guess next week we'll hear about it and probably all of us will have to suffer. Haven't heard whats on the program for this coming week but we do start our 40 hour week. Received your package with my shoes, towels, cigarettes & etc. thanks a million. I haven't written home recently so when I do I'll try to straighten up your troubles with my folks so don't agitate them any more than you can help. I don't expect you to take anything but if they ask something of you within reason please try and do it. I said before as long as we love each other thats really all that matters so you just keep on enjoying yourself but occasionally you could stop up on the hill and see whats going on. You asked about my teeth well they are all healed up but they haven't called me back yet. I hope you had a nice time this week end up at Marion & Ed's. I was thinking about you but thats all the good it did me. I broke my pen so I'm using one of the other boys, I'll get one the next time I go to the P.X. You were interested where my money was going well if you get in a poker game and lose well it puts you back a little. It cost me at least a dollar a week for my fatigues another dollar for my sun tans and I must spend at least 50 c or more every day I good to the P.X. if we go to Macon its 15 c each way plus what you spend in these which incidentally is expensive. So if you stop and figure it out that little money you get pay day doesn't last too long. I got 18.67 pay day. Well for your information I still love you and always will. I won't write home for money any more so you can save your money. Be good honey I'll write tomorrow.

With all my love,

Your honey.