Homer Ill.                                                                                                                                             May 17th

Dear Ruth:

                        How are you we are still having jittery weather and its not as good for me.

Josie and Nala were here Tuesday and Josie had the Rheumatisne so bad she could hardly get up stairs.

I have sold the horse to Anna and Otis Roberstine but the lower part of the horse is routed to Georges till Nov. 1st but I expect to vacate bag and baggage when I am left alone, and they will get possession of this part of them.

Now Ruth Bill will need a couple of suit cases to put his clothes in and I just happened to think this morning that if you have them in the Store you could bring a couple of autuable ones with you and I will pay you for them as you can get them cheaper than he could and probably would better judgement about them.

I hope you are both well and that I will be seeing you soon.

            Love and best wishes.

                        Aunt Annie