Monday Night

Dear John Milton,


            Yes, I know I'm a heel for being so rude and not writing to you. I think probably you will understand though, if you think it over. During Christmas vacation I was kept quite busy at home, and since my return to this institution, tests and studying have taken all my free time. Final examinations start this Saturday. Each test will take three or four hours of writing to give the Professors the material they think necessary. I have been memorizing Shakespeare. I must know 5 pages by heart from “the Taming of the Shrew” for my Public Speaking Course. I have now spent 2 ˝ hours on it, and expect to keep on until 10 o'clock. After this I'll start practicing folk dancing for a practical test in Physical Education tomorrow. I hope to get to bed by 2:30. This is College life for you. At this time I am taking a rest period, so I thought I had better put it to good use.


            So sorry you didn't get to Cumberland with your mother. I missed seeing her and regret it so much. I wish to take this this means, I'll admit it is late, to thanks you for the beautiful card you sent me at Xmas. It was lovely.


            John Milton, I could write you a volume, but I just can't take the time. I would so much appreciate a letter from you real soon. It would mean quite a bit to receive a letter during finals. I know it would cheer me up. So please see what you can do about it. Study hard and take all the advantage of your high school work you can. It will help you in your later life. Tell your folks hello, and please write me as soon as possible. I'll do the same.


So long, nice love,
