

Lady Bug,


            Lord knows when this letter will get to you due to my present location but it is time for me to confere with my sweetheart so here goes. We flew


All day yesterday getting here and I never saw so much ocean in all my life. We were lost for a little time towards the end when we were due to make our landfall and it is sort of an all gone feeling but our navigator soon got all straightened out and in we came. If I told you that I slept under two blankets last nite and am right on the equator yesterday for the first time. As I was sitting there flying along I was suddenly drenched with water as the boys were giving my initiation on crossing. I will get a certificate of crossing when I get back which I will duely send you and which you must guard carefully for future prosperity. I suppose that I cannot describe my location to you but wish that I could for certain resons for I know that you would be both amazed and interested. (This also is a bad spelling typewriter so I will have to dress it up when I am thru).


            I am gaining tremendous experience as far as my flying is concerned and am applying myself so that I can get all out of it that I can for I am sure that after this war flying is going to take on an aspect never dreamed of before.


            The fishing here is supposed to be some of the best in the world and I am slated to go out this evening for it is so accessable that in a couple of hours you can be out and back with all the fishing that you can take. They say the strength can not take more than that due to the size and frequency of the catch. I shall see, I have heard those stories before. They do catch tuna here which weigh up to seventy pounds and they catch them right along. I will get the record catch this evening and if possible will send you a picture of same held aloft by four strong men. I had a fresh fish for dinner last nite and a kind that I had never had before and it was wonderful. I have never tasted better and fresh out of the water.


            Will be here for the next three days and will try to write you in more length as I have stolen these few minutes for this letter while being delayed for a short time. All of my love to you sweet girlsure hope that things are fine with you but don’t forget to take time out to think of your formerly fat papa once in a while. Adios