Tuesday- 7/27/43



Dearest Bum and Maryelf.

            I received two of your sweet letters yesterday and one today- No. 13 arrived today.  It sure was nice of Oscar #2 to give me such a detailed report.  I’d love very, very much to have him send me some of my darling’s cookies but you never know from day to day where you will be.

            By the way- how to you like the spacing etc. in this letter I’m using the guidelines- hope it is an improvement. When you don’t have anything to rest the paper on you have a tendency to make small letters- though I guess I write quite small anyway.

            It will be helpful I think to Jim if he can wear the black suit. Incidentally it might be a good idea to check Lincoln One a few times as the suit will end up in the cellar some place. They mean well poor things but they have that Irish nature- I guess you know all about it. You’ve put up with that hum of a husband so long not to be aware of it.  I’m sure the white suit is not wool- some form of cotton most likely. The white pants that I wore when you became the dearest bride in the world, are wool. I guess you know about the rest.

            At the prest. Time I’m the chief mail orderly of course along with all the other duties I.E getting the names of the new arrivals, making out a new mail list, returning the letters of those who have left and calling the roll each morning. In our spare time we dust where we didn’t dust before- yesterday I was all finished and ready for bed at 10:00 p.m. Fortunate at that- no overtime paid- I smoked a cigarette and sang to you dearest, was sleeping without snoring I hope by 10:30. Yesterday was not a typical day tho. I was suppose it happens that way once a month as so- I’m hoping for the best.

            I don’t know what to advise about Betty. I suppose she won’t be able to come to stay with you. That would be the only hope. Your sister should be careful or she will force Betty out on the sheets. I don’t mean in the worst way but just to get away from the unpleasant things at home. We know Betty is passing thru a necessary stage and needs special attention but I don’t think your sister is aware of it. Let’s pray ever so hard darling that everything turns out okay.

            It’s getting closer and closer to Saturday and I’m praying hard that I stay around until then.

             Last night I ran across the name of a fellow who went to high school with me. It wasn’t the same fellow. It was a cousin of his who was born in Trenton but he had moved to New York when he was young. It really is a small world after all. I’ve met quite a few fellows. I’ll continue to write to them. It will be nice to visit after this is over.

            If I cut this short dearest it’s cause I want to get it off in the early mail.

            I’ll say bye now dearest darling. I’m sending millions and billions of kisses to my dearest sweetheart. I keep dreaming of you hr. after hr.

            Bye for now darling.

                                                                        Your Bonzo

P.S Pussy may have a nice kiss for being good-

                                                                        Bad Bonzo