(May 3, 1942)

Sunday Evening


            I had ice cream and a sandwich. Honey, I’m very full. Darling, I’ve had my shower and now I’m ready to go to bed. I’m sitting on my bed, honey, with my feet on my pillow. Honey, I love you with all my heart.

            Darling Nick, I mailed three letters today. My thoughts were all of you, honey, today, wondering and wondering. I can see you so plainly in my mind, oh, honey, I’m so in love with you. Honey, it’s close to nine-thirty now, what are you doing? Are you writing too, honey?  It’s so good the way we write to each other. We won’t write, darling, while we are together. We’ll tell each other everything and after again on paper will Rose and Nick write to each other. Honey, nothing shall stand in our way to see each other. They can fire me if they want to. You are the most important to me and, darling, you come first to me in all things.

Darling, for a while I’ll mail my letters in the evenings. Honey, until I can buy a book of stamps. Honey, I have to go slow on my money, to get my lunches don’t worry, sweetheart, all will come out all right.

Honey I love you and love you. That is something I’ll never hide from you, sweetheart. I’ll tell you all the time. Never get tired, dear hearing me tell you, I love you honey. On 814 everything was so ideal. Honey, we slept in each other’s arms. It was lonely how we loved each other. Honey, we loved each other. Honey we slept talked and then all was forgotten just in one kiss. Oh, darling. Our love is so precious. I’ll always make you happy.

            Honey, I got up at 6:30 each morning to dress and to get the train in Aberdeen. It’s all a dream, dearest one, that I get home after five instead of after ten o’clock.

            Honey, I’m true to you very much. As long as we have been going together, I’ve only been with, with you. Each evening Nick came after Rose and hand in hand they left the Ph. darling, you even helped one count my money, so we could leave early. I just love you, honey.

            Honey, I’m going to say goodnight dear and I’ll see you again tomorrow. May God Bless you, darlingest Nick for I love you so so much. My kiss and all my love go only to you always.

            Be good, dear, and soon we will be together.

Good night dearest Nick

Lovingly Yours


PS I just love you with all my heart. Sweet dreams, dear. Love and kisses to my Nick

Your Rose