N. Camp Hood

May, 30, 1943

Dear Nick,

            I received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you. All is going fine with me.

            We had a parade here yesterday. There was a two and a three star General here. It was raining and we sure were wet. Well six weeks of my basic is over now, and have about seven more to go. We are leaving how to drive now. I was supposed to take my driver’s test on Friday but it was put off for some other day, because I had to go on machine gun range. If I pass I’ll be issued government license. I haven’t heard from home, George or Peewee for quite some time. The mail wasn’t coming in as it used to. I suppose the flood delayed it. I had a letter from Popovich’s’ the other day, and John P. is in Fort Bless, Texas. It is about 700 hundred miles from here.

            Do you know when you will be getting a furlough? We don’t get paid till the eighth. I’ll send you the money, but if you are going home before the 15th I’ll send it home. Then you may be home when mom gets it, but if you don’t go home before the 15th I’ll send it to you. Then you can take it home. I send twenty three home last month. I haven’t much more to write now, but will write soon again. Sending the Best of Luck

Ans Soon,                                                                               Your Bro,
