Camp Polk, La.

June 25, 1944.

Dear Nick,

            Well im back in camp again. All is going fair with me as yet. How are things going with you? All was fine at home.

            When do you expect to go home? Are you going to take Rose along?

            Today is Sunday, and it sure is hot out. How is the weather back there?

            I don’t know how long we will be here yet. We are going out in the field this week for a couple of days. I had nine days home. Was up to see Ann. All was fine with her. She will come home in a couple of months.

            Johnnie P. was home when I was home. Fred Deem was also home. When do you expect to move? Or do you expect to stay there for a while? It sure is hot here. How is the weather back there now? Did you get your money back? I didn’t wait for it. I’m sitting in the orderly room trying to type. How do you like it. I guess it’s all mistakes. This is the first time I ever tried to type. I’m not doing do good. Sure wish I could type.

            The house looks a little better than it did the last time I was home. Pee Wee was starting to fix up the upstairs. I was over to Kaniaks one Sunday. They came down our place when I was up to see Ann.

            Did you hear from George lately? They had a letter from him when I was home. He made S/Sgt(staff sergeant). He sure is going right up there. I suppose I’ll stay Buck Pvt(Private). As long as I’m in the army.

            Did you hear from Ann lately? What about Pee Wee, does he write very often? I didn’t seem to get very many letters from home when I was down in Camp Hood.

            Well I don’t have much to write this time. So write soon, and write lots. I’ll write soon again.

            Sending you the best of luck.

            Your brother

            Ans. (Answer) real soon.