From Capt. A.P. Farnese


A.P.512%PM., N.Y.,N.Y.

Sept. 7, 1944


NEW A.P.O. 512

Dear Anna:

            I have received your most welcomed letter and I am very happy to know that every one is in the very best of health and doing OK.

            I have received your package and I want to thank you for everything you sent me I suppose it seems that I am always asking you to send me something but I would sooner ask you to send me something than anyone else I know of I hope it is OK with you.

            In regards to the clipping you sent me pasted on the letter it does check and it is true.

            As for as I am concerned there will be no changes I want to stick with you--. Of course it is entirely up to you, you can entirely up to you, you can either quit or we shall continue together same as we have been.

            At present I am in France and I am doing OK where I am going to wind up I do not know there is bound to be an end to it somewhere, someday or somehow. I miss you and I love you very much.

Regards to all       Forever Always Yours, Tony