Monday 2145 5/1/44


Dear Dad,


            This boot camp is really going strong now. All day yesterday we were free except for church at 10:45 and entertainment called “Happy Hour” last night at 18:00. And my guard duty from 12:00 to 16:00. Today we had a lot of mathematics, mechanics, spelling, classification, and electrical tests. Then this afternoon I (and we) drilled for nearly an hour and a half.

            The food here is O.K. Lots of variety. Not many beans. Plenty of meat, potatoes, gravy, and so forth.

            I certainly did enjoy the show the other night: “Thousands Cheer”. And all those who attended really enjoyed it, too.

            Tomorrow we have more service school classes and movies on ship and plane identification.

            Next day we have personal interviews about opportunities in the Navy which is a follow up after these exams.

            Everyone around here hates this stuff, but by golly I like it. I think I’m putting on more weight. And I really feel ready for a fight. We don’t have enough free time though with classes, inspections, meals, exercises, and so forth.

            Well please write when you can and I’ll write when I can. Love to all.

