Aug 6, 1944


Dear Dot and Dana,

            I am sorry I haven’t been able to send you any letters for a few days. I suppose it seems like months to you won’t it? Well darling, I am fine and everything is going along swell with me. And I hope you and Dana are the same. By the letters I got today, I guess you are. And for God’s sake stop that silly worrying about me.

            Gee, was I glad to get mail again today. I got six letters. It took me quite awhile to read them and probably will read them about twice more.

            You sure had a tough trip up the pond the other Sunday. Poor Dana, I’ll bet it will be a long time before he gets in a boat again.

            I only saw that Marshall fellow twice, and I don’t know where his wife lives now.

            Yes Dot that would be a good idea to have my peacoat cleaned and pressed and put it away cause I might have to send for it sometime. Did you find the gas coupons in the box? You mentioned quite awhile ago that you had sent me a box. Well I haven’t got it yet and you said you sent it before I sent my box home. I probably will get it sometime. I spoke just a little too soon. We just had another mail call and I just got the box. It was a swell box and just about everything I need. Thanks a lot dear. The chocolates are swell and the other boys thought so too. The first I have had for a long time. Gee, what I wouldn’t give to have some of that ice cream we used to make so often. Those were swell days and I think of them often. You & I & Dana used to have lots of fun working, playing, and going places together. I will be so glad when those days come back to us. I know I will be an old home lover from now on. I miss you and Dana lots and love you both more than you’ll every know.

            Will write tomorrow.

                                                Love and Kisses,
