Dear Mom:

            Greetings again from your loving son overseas. At the present time I am writing this letter from our new recreation center in camp. I am actually sitting in a very comfortable lounging chair listening to the radio and I can almost picture my self in the same circumstance at home except that at home I would be listening to domestic broadcasts instead of foreign.

            Last night I did the same thing I had done so many times at home. I lay on my bunk with the intention of waking in an hour or so to undress. You can imagine what happened. Without you here to awaken me I slept until morning rolled around. The army hasn’t changed me too much.

            How is Mike making out with gas rationing? From your letters I gather that he takes you riding now and then. It’s a joy to hear that because I know how much pleasure you must get out of it, especially at this time of the year when nature puts on a real show.

God bless you, Mom,
