November 11, 1943


Dear Mary and all,

            Received your package yesterday and I appreciate it very much. It’s going to be very useful because at present our rations aren’t available and the things you sent will tide me over. At present we have turned the calendar back twenty-five years as we are using coal-oil lamps and candles for light and living in a very primitive style. I don’t know how long it will last this way but hope we soon go back to normal again. It’s very muddy now; in fact there is more mud here than I’ve ever seen before. We have to wear arties at all times and at places the mud goes over the tops. Starting to fix things up but it will be a long time before all the mud is gone. Today is Armistice Day but to us out here it won’t mean much until we can celebrate the next one. Don’t guess there will be much celebrating over there either. Well space is gone so I’ll close for the times.

Love to all,
