Wednesday evening,


Dear Folks:

            How is 87­-439 making out in Plant 1? I am overwhelmed by the news that I got in the mail today. It is quite a shock believe me. I received your letter from the 2nd and 5th today telling of Ma getting a job.

            Ma, I am very proud of you. You certainly weren’t long when you decided to get a job did you? Applying in the morning and going home with one in the afternoon certainly was wonderful. That certainly was better and faster than I was able to do up there. Congratulations and best wishes.

            I suppose by this time you have decided whether you like it or not. Whatever you decide to do, keep the job or give it up, you have my approval. Just as long as you had a fling at it. --- How do you like Plant 1, Ma? It isn’t as new or as fancy as some of the other plants but it was always my favorite. It was also the last one I worked in. The cafeteria is just below the payroll office on the ground floor where I used to spend my nights. Now you have a chance to get inside and see what the famous “Wrights” looks like. I wasn’t surprised to hear that you had passed the physical exam with flying colors. The way you used to shovel the snow and climb the stairs proved that to me a long time ago. Good for you, Ma.

            I can understand why you were lonesome and wanted to work. I was the same way on my day-off- I would just as well have gone to work instead of hanging around. You and I are the same in that respect, Ma.

            Ken hasn’t arrived out here yet but he will come and see me when he gets in. I will be waiting to see the ring Uncle Tom sent when Ken gets here. I have seen some of them made up in the plant and know what they are like. They are nice and I will be glad to get it. I must sit down and write a little note to aunt Cycilla and Uncle Tom bought. I feel funny never having thanked Aunt Cycilla for the razor.

            Tonight I am going to church again for your Easter present. You know we have a priest come up at 6:30 to our chapel and offer up Mass. This is a mass for soldiers only and is the only chance we have to get to daily Mass. I intend to make it every night this week and until we leave.

            Has the record arrived yet? I hope you have a few laughs out of it. Am going into Tacoma again this Saturday and take in the U.S.O dance again. There is one every Saturday night in Tacoma.

Joy, we had a regimental dance and show last night in our gym and it was a swell show. Our band played the music and we all had a good work out of a field office on the way down so I won’t be able to loaf. I won’t need it though since time drags while you are traveling and it will be good to have something to do. I have to type up my reports, letters for the orderly room. It is a lot better than working in the kitchen anyhow. If it keeps me out of the sun down in Andes I will like it very much. They say the sun is quite strong down there.

            I owe an apology to you, Mr. White I was out in the field I forgot all about your birthday on the 9th. You see we were quite busy and I didn’t think of it. So will you forgive your bad boy and accept his love and best wishes now. I have just started to realize what a grand person you are- now that I am away from home. When I think back on all the things you have done fro me, it makes me feel very ungrateful. I wish I had told you before just how much we all love you. Those things are awkward to say but not so difficult to write. God bless you and may you be with us many more years. There is so much we have to pay back to you.

            Goodnight to all of you, Ma, Helen, Aunt Nell, and Dad.

