Friday Evening,


Dear Folks,

            I just read Ma’s letter telling of her first working day in Wrights. I sure hope that Ma will like the work as it is very nice to have some outside work to occupy your mind. Ma sure didn’t have to wait a long time once she applied for a job. The personnel department knows good talent when they see it. Le me congratulate you again, Ma on your good work and your good health.

            There isn’t very much new to tell you about my experiences. I am still in Message Center and escaping all the hikes and other dirty work. It is certain that I will be in it until we reach India anywhere after that I don’t know. In this army you learn never to plan or count on anything in the future. So I am not worrying about what kind of a job I will get down in California. They told us something today that will be nice if it is true. We were told that a week-end train runs from the training center into Los Angeles and back again. That means if you could get a week-end pass it would be foreseeable to visit Los Angeles and see the sights. I hope it just won’t a fairytale.

            I am enclosing a money-order for you to use whatever may you want. I am taking in a movie tonight and will go to Tacoma Saturday night. Did the record get there yet?

So long,


Please excuse

I have to hurry to make 6:30 mass