Sunday Morning,

April 23, 1944


Dear Folks:


            There isn’t any new news to tell you but just wanted you to know I am feeling fine. In the last two days I have received quite a few letters, about 10 in number. Your latest letter told me about hearing of Simpson and I getting together and Johnson’s visit I received the watch fine and put one of them on right away. Thanks very much.

            Tom wrote me four or five letters and I enjoyed hearing from him. He must be very busy fellow these days and I’m glad he is still around. He tells me all about Dennis and the new tricks he does for his Dad everytime he comes home.

            It is too bad Estelle would let Dennis out for that picture. I know how much you would like a picture of all the Haud’s but there is nothing you can do about it I guess. I’m sure you will get another chance before very long though.

            Two of those small boxes of candy from Weida’s come today, which made those boxes of the small kind in two days. Very good.

            I can’t really think of anything more to say. This is a very brief note but there just isn’t anything to say. It’s almost time for me to wake up the rest of the boys (6:15 am) so they can have breakfast. Then I will be off until about noon.

            I am starting to receive the Saturday Evening Post quite regularly now so that seems to have worked itself out. They still use my old APO number however.

            We will probably have another softball game tomorrow and I may go to Bath again. I hope I can continue my hard hitting.(?).Tom asked me how my batting average was coming along these days. Well I can’t tell him that it is doing O.K. It now reads 1.000. What is he hitting? I bet I outhit him this year. I don’t hit home runs but I can get a lot of singles and doubles. And he wanted to know if my lifetime average was .068? [CENSORED] What an insult!!


