June 1, 1944

Dearest Gay,

            I thought I would try writing to you the first thing in the mornings. Maybe I can write better letters. I tried it once before, but one way or another, I got back to evenings. I never have much to write no matter when I do write. Iona and I were over to your folks last night. We had a pretty good time. We just sat on the porch and visited. Stan Sahl came over for a while and had a girl with him. Iona said she had a diamond on, so evidently little Stanley is engaged. She was sort of cute…Real neat looking, but very quiet. Iona gave me something for the baby last night. It is a real cute bib made in Portugal. I know she had to pay at least $2 for it because I priced bibs when I was getting Shirley’s baby something, and they were too high priced for me. She said she was in the baby dept. with another girl and saw the bib and heard that kind was hard to get so she decided to buy me one. I’m telling you that that baby will really be spoiled. I bet it will have everything under the sun. Gloria, Iona, and I are going to have dinner uptown tonight and go to a show. It sure is hot out and the wind is really blowing. I sure do miss you and love you. Be good!

Lots of love from your Doe.