Aug. 6, 1944


            Here it is another blue rainy Sunday. Another week gone trailing dismally along like so many others before it. Still with no particular hope of getting home soon despite the favorable war news. Today was the fateful day Germany was to have surrendered to the inevitable according to old “Pop” Hoffman. He took bets at odds of 3 to 1 in his favor, to that effect. I hate to see him lose although have known all along he would do so.

            As usual our pious Catholics are dutifully lined up outside waiting for the truck to take them into the village Padre’s domicile. Tonight I guess it is the Protestants turn at the corpulent but well meaning Missionaries dwelling. However as they would be attending on their own time I doubt very much if anyone will take advantage of her offer except perhaps to partake of the light refreshments she promised.

            Rossitor came up with the new supply of beer last night so I guess commencing today we will get new ration cards. Everyone was over at the P.X. last night getting rid of all the beer they had left on their cards. I mean getting rid of it as they were passing it out to anyone if they had more than they could drink themselves, so that Rossitor couldn’t get the benefit of what was left. They are all watching him now and sooner or later he is going to get what is coming to him. Damn it, it is so bad to hate a man so much that you spoil your letters home by writing about him. I’ve got to stop it as I have always made it a point not to allow anyone to affect me that much. 

            They brought some mail up last night but as there was just a few I didn’t receive any. However our little Jewish lad received some packages. It has puzzled us all around here as both Igen and Meyerson receive 1 or 2 packages almost every mail call. They are fairly recent too as last nights had been mailed in June. One of them comes from Mass. (Boston) and the other from New York. Guess I don’t belong to the right church or something.

            So you finally got over to the Pendletons. That must have been a very enjoyable as they always have swell parties. Of course they sometimes get ribald and rowdyish and whereas that used to be distasteful to me it would be right down my alley now. That is just what I need, a few wild parties where I can beat hell out of the first person who mentions the Army to me.

            You mentioned our vacation after this war. Darling, may I advance a few ideas I have been thinking over? Maybe you have some better ones. If so lets hear them. Would like for us to go up to Sawtelles in Maine if it was in the summer. Would like to do the same thing even if I got home in the middle of the winter, however there is the question of food. Would rather you didn’t have to cook for us as I want you every moment. I love you Baby. Up there we would be completely alone as our cabin is set apart from the others and right at the edge of the lake. There are many little inlets with fine sandy beaches where we could bath and frolic unobserved by any alien eye. I know them all and do have my favorite spots. We could take a prodigious lunch and be on the lakes all day. These are just a few of the things I have been thinking of to while away our days. Nights we could spend in front of the fireplace, roasting marshmallows etc., listening to the radio etc. But the main thing for me will be the wonderful feeling of being with you Sweetheart and having you all to myself. I adore you Hon. 

            If it is in the winter I would still like to head up country. If Sawtelles is found to be unsuitable as far as eating is concerned we could hire a snug littler 3 or 4 room cabin up around Lake Placid or Vermont. I mean a nice place high up in the mountains with all the comforts of home. I am thru with this primitive way of living. Oh I full of all sorts of ideas and I’m going to make them materialize! My one aim Darling is to do everything possible to make up to you this long separation and make you the happiest little wife God ever graced this earth with. You deserve all of that and then some for all you mean to me and have lovingly done for me. I can do it too!

            Hell, Hon with that last assertion I’m afraid I shall have to end.

                                                                        Give my love to our family,

All my love,
