Wednesday Night-

June 7


Dear Mom-

            This is the first chance I’ve had to write to you since the “Big Push” started. We hear it over the radio we had set up in the field it was a great Thrill for all of us to hear the first official communiqué We have all waited long for This day and now it has become a reality. I can’t say what our part will be in this movement, but I can say that I know every man will do his best to get this damn thing over with so we can all go home.

            I don’t want you to worry mom- I’ll be ok- and I’m able to take care of myself. A year in the army will teach you to do almost anything and everything.

            After the first communiqué we heard recorded broadcasts of the first allied airborne troops taking off. Later General DeGamble spoke to the people of France, (I caught a good bit of it. I’m going to brush up on my French) The King of England spoke last night at nine (about 3 PM your time I guess.)

            No one here seems very excited about it. Work goes on – work that must be done to win this thing.

            Glad to hear you got the tax business all straight, and also the insurance. Hope the allotment money will come thru in a short while. It has been taken from my pay twice now I understand it is $37 a month now.

            Hope Ginnie is feeling fine. I got you long letter today saying she was not yet sitting up. That was May 25th Hope by now that she is and will soon leave the hospital

            I have not heard again from Gabe I imagine he was in the initial assault you read about and is ok.

            I heard from Anne yesterday and will try and get a letter off to her tonight. Glad she get to try to see you once in awhile.

            Keep writing, and keep your chin up- everything is going to be all right – Soon –


                                                      Jack -