September 7, 1944

Somewhere in Belgium

Dear Mom –

            Well I’m getting to be quite a cosmopolite – Belgium is not much different from France – we’re quite busy now – we had to mail yesterday for the first time in about ten days. Your letter of August 22nd came with the clipping of the Service Men’s news. It was good to hear from home again – we came thru Paris and it reminded me so much of Washington D.C. It is a beautiful city and the people seemed very happy – Maybe lots of people will be happy soon when this thing is all over.

            I haven’t heard a word from Daddy – or Gene of Anne in a long time – Sorry to hear that K.B’s mother dies – I knew she had been quite ill on many different occasions.

            So Kirk doesn’t think much of England – well its better than France or Belgium – and foxholes cant compare with a bed – any bed – England isn’t bad when you get to know it.

            So Henry is getting serious – that’s quite a surprise – Tom will be overjoyed I know – for he has set the pattern.

            The news on the radio was good tonight we get it from Radio Algiers every night. I didn’t hear it myself but the fellows came over to the ward to tell me about it.

            I’ll stop for tonight for I want to write several other letters – I’ll write Gene tonight – his birthday will be soon too.

            So long for a while –

