December 27th – Still in Belgium


Dear Mom-

            It’s been a little while since I’ve had a chance to write. Things have been a bit unsettled here lately and then Xmas came along. Even with the situation confused they army had fresh eggs for us on Xmas morning and we had turkey and all the trimmings for dinner, and plenty of it. I received a package from Bobbie Gregory on Xmas day and she sent coca-cola and cookies, peanuts etc. It was a swell Xmas under the circumstances. The few days before Xmas were very exciting. Our units had a write up in the stars and stripes, the army newspaper. Perhaps I can send the paper to you later.

            I was lucky enough to get some 620 film and I’m getting some pictures. Is seems it’s easier to get film here then in the states. I got a little print paper too. I have access to a 127 camera too so that film will come in handy the film you’re sending I mean.

            Hope you all had a swell merry Xmas. Wish I could have been there with you. Perhaps by next Xmas we’ll all be back together again. I hope this counter attack will be turned into a big victory for us. It can be and I pray that it will end this war.

            Our unit will be nesting soon and I’ll try to write more often. Say hello to everyone for me let me know when you receive the package I sent with the Xmas presents. Please take care of my insurance when it comes due. The company will send a notice. Pay it with the money I’ve sent home. I haven’t been notified about the allotment as yet but when I am I’ll fix it fix up a steady amount to be sent home.

                        So long for a while-

