April 21, 1944


Hello Dot

Well honey hope every one is feeling fine by now.  When one gets sick like that they usually all get it.

            It’s a swell country over here in Italy.  The people are kind of hard up.  We get along swell with most all of them.  They sure like the Americans.  Sure will have a lot to tell you when I get home.  Thank the girls for the nice letters they write.  Also tell them I love them both.  I would kill to see sis writing one of those letters bet that’s good.  But the best letter I get is from Gordie. ha ha.  Good thing him and I understand each other.  I understand every thing he says.  He’s my boy.

            Say hello to Hazel and Mary for me.  Some times I don’t get a chance to write to all of them.  But you can relay for me. ha ha.  Will write to them when i get the time.

            Dot the packages are kind of slow.  So send cigs a box would come in mighty handy.  Have Gordon put one of his pipes in it, last the one I had.  Got one from Mary dated the six of March.  I mean a carton of cigs not a pipe. ha. Hope you don’t wash all that dam paint off.  I intend to take about 4 weeks off when I get out of here so have the paint ready.  Will paint it all up then.  Just have plenty of good old Erie beer handy.  Hope ma Loosemore had a good trip. She sure gets around for having such a bad leg.  Say hello to the old girl for me.  But don’t tell her I said old girl. ha.

            Hope Ray is making out O.K. I wrote to him but haven’t heard a word so far.  Wrote to his Bobby but haven’t heard from her either.

            Well honey write as often as you can. Don’t worry about me I am OK.  Will be home soon.  Hope hope poor old Gordon I sure feel for him.  It’s spring again that poor little house. ha ha ha
