
Hello Dear,

            Have nothing to do at present so I’m writing to you again hoping by this time you are in the states. Every time the phone rings since I received your last letter, I say to myself, “It’s too soon, but maybe that’s Hic at last.” I hope it will be you very very soon. And I’ll bet I know who it is as soon as I answer.

            How’s the baking business coming along? Are the men still surviving?

A mosquito just bit me inside my shoe and it’s awfully uncomfortable, so you won’t mind if I stop and scratch every once in a while, will you?

Well, I suppose this means the final end to the friendship between Ruth Marcus and I. Her mother gave a shower for her as I told you in my last letter. Mildred and I were both invited. We went and while there I found out that all the girls there had received printed invitations to the wedding and dinner which will be at the Broadwood in the evening. Mildred and I weren’t invited. We were just asked to come to the synagogue to witness the ceremony. I’m so burned up about it I could cry. Most of those girls that were at the shower ware just neighbors of Ruth’s. She wasn’t really friends with them. Well now that I see how the wind blows I’m through being a good natured dope. I’m not even going to the ceremony. Do you blame me?

Now I’ll stop troubling you with my troubles.

We took a lot of pictures at camp and we got them this week. I’ll show them to you when you get home and if you want any I’ll have them made for you.

Hic, is there any chance of your being discharged? How many points do you have?

We have had real summer all week but it’s turning cooler now. I hope it stays this way.

I’ll close now, hoping to see you in person, before I write the next letter.

