No. 219

Dear Billy:

Hiya, Honey Chile: Make with the pen. We didn’t have any mail from you this week.

Heltie, Harry, Hilda and I went out on Tuesday night and we had a real nice time. First we went to the rainbow lounge in Radio City for a cocktail (Inasmuch as the place closes at 7 P.M. We didn’t spend very much time there) Then we went to the “Epicure Restaurant” over on 52nd Street for dinner. It is a very small place but the food was very good and it wasn’t too expensive. I had prime ribs of beef for an entrée and the dinner was $2.00.

Mother, Dad, Heltie and I are going out next Tuesday night to celebrate Heltie’s homecoming. I think we’re going to the Village Barn. I don’t like the Village Barn too much but it is sort of fun to go there once in awhile. I don’t like to get into the games, etc., but I do like to watch them.

Dorothy Thom’s boyfriend came home on Tuesday on the “Queen Elizabeth”. He has phoned her several times but he hasn’t actually been home yet. He was at Camp Kilmer and he was supposed to go to Camp Dix on Thursday for discharge. However, with the way things are at Dix, they’ll probably give him a pass or a Furlough before he is actually discharged. According to reports, Dix is so crowded the boys are sleeping in tents. As you probably know, Dix is the separation center for the section around here. Heltie is just lucky that he was sent to Camp Edwards instead of Dix. If he had been sent to Dix, he probably wouldn’t have been discharged yet.

Heltie and I went out to Ruthie’s last Sunday and Gus Gommery was there. He’s been discharged but is on terminal leave and actually gets paid up to the first of the year. He said although he’s been discharged, he’s going to wear his uniform until the first of the year because he doesn’t have any clothes. He’s gotten so heavy since he’s been in the army that none of his civilian clothes will fit him. Gosh, he sure is big. He’s not only tall, but he’s big. He’s not fat and he weighs two hundred and some odd pounds, so you can imagine the size of him.

I received the November issue of Esky this morning and shall send it to you on Monday. Did you receive the October issue which I mailed to you, along with another package, on September 26th?

Bye for now, Honey Lamb, and let me know if you want anything special.
