Sept 18th, 1942

Dear Mom, Dad & Marie,

            It had been a long while since I had heard from you but now a bunch of letters have arrived and most of them were from you.

            In your letter you said that Marie had been operated on and was getting along fine. It seems that the appendix runs wild in our family. Well I am glad she is alright now.

            Very little has happened to us, that is very little I can write about. We have a phono-graph and a bunch of records. The records are all popular pieces. I wish we had some classical ones but the popular will have to do for now. Believe you me, the boys keep the phonograph going all the time. That is when they can’t get any swing-music on the radio.

            I think after the September allotment there will be no more as I understand the allotments are to be discontinued. So I guess I will have to hang on to the green backs on this end for a while.

            You may not believe it, but I still have three $10 bills which I had in my pocket when I left Scott Field. Not bad?

            I have heard nothing official on my recommendation to corporal but hope to soon. I will let you know as soon as I hear.

            I wrote my last letter to you on V mail forms. I hope you received it. If you could get some to write me on, it would let me hear from you much faster than by usual means.

            Well I guess that is all the news for this time. Don’t be angry with me for not writing a lot because the censorship on our mail is pretty heavy and very limited are the things we can mention in our letters.

            So I will close now and hope to be reading some more letters from you soon as I just heard a new bunch has arrived. I hope those cookies and razor blades etc are in this bunch.

                                                            With all my love to all




Pfc A.C. Meredith


8th Fighter Control Squadron

8th Fighter Group

A.P.O. 929

c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.



P.S. on the V mail I put A.P.O. 922 but it is now 929.