Australia – July 20, 1943

Sgt. A.C. Meredith 13032567

432nd Fighter Squadron

475th Fighter Group

A.P.O. 923

c/o Postmaster San Francisco Calif.

Dear Mom, Dad & Marie,

            In answer to your most recent letter, I will once again say that I enjoyed receiving it even if it was almost 2 months old.

            Things are going very well with me there days and I manage to keep pretty busy. Every day that passes, I like the job more and the fellows are certainly a great bunch of guys. They know their stuff too, most of them being old-timers, like me.

            It is winter here now and we feel the cold very much, but suitable clothes have been issued us and they help greatly. Our blood must be very thing. At night, I manage to sleep very comfortably, as I am fortunate to possess a comforter. Its O.K.

            Today I received a letter from Elizabeth, and she tells me that my picture was at Lowe’s Theatre. You remember, I wrote you about the time we were photographed by the news-reel. Hope you were able to see it.

            Marie’s invitation to the commencement exercises came and makes me sad that I could not have been there. I won’t brood on the fact that I would like to come home, because it would do me no good, but I look forward to the day I can say good by to this section of the world and return to Virginia.

            In a few days I hope to be able to send a picture of myself which was painted by an Australian chap. It has been passed by the censor and only awaits packing. So the first chance to ship it, I will. It is done with water-colors.

            Since there seems to be no further news, I will have to close now, but hope that this will find you all well and that I will hear from you soon.

            Oh yes – I almost forgot to tell you that I received the razor blades O.K. They were sent on to me at the above address with a note that the rest of the package was a wreck. Was very happy to receive them. A million thanks.

                                                                        All my love to you all –

                                                                                    Your son,
